Update on 2023-24 SPED Caseload Overage Grievance

Earlier this school year, SDEA staff filed a unionwide SPED caseload overage grievance. The goal of this…

2022 Election Wins Educators and Our Students

There’s much to be thankful for in our recent election wins! Both of the SDEA member-endorsed candidates…

SDEA members PROTEST THE SCHOOL BOARD next Tuesday, May 16!

We don’t have a tentative agreement, so we will be protesting at the School Board meeting next Tuesday, May…

Visiting Teacher Update

Over the past couple of months, SDEA member leaders have been speaking with District leadership about the…

John S. Lyons Memorial Foundation Scholarship Program

The John S. Lyons Memorial Foundation Scholarship Program is open and accepting applicants! This is a $5,500…

Know Your Rights: Evaluations

This school year, educators who are on their scheduled evaluation cycle will have the choice to participate…

COVID Leave Win!!

After months of work to push the District on improving COVID leave, an agreement was reached this week. The…

Governor’s Announcement

Governor Newsom just stated that schools may not reopen until the fall. We want to assure members that no…