Visiting Teacher Resources (SDUSD)
SDEA Visiting Teacher Information
(See bottom of page for useful links, inlcuding access to SDUSD sick leave useage proceedures for VTs)
Are Visiting Teachers protected by the union contract?
Yes! Visiting Teachers (VTs) are members of SDEA just like other teachers and credentialed SDUSD employees. Article 32 of the contract gives special rights to Visiting Teachers on wages, hours, job assignment, evaluations, Post and Bid access and interviews, and sick leave accrual.
How much are Visiting Teachers paid?
SDEA members bargained the highest rate of pay for substitute teachers in San Diego County, which can be found in Appednix D of the union contract. Visiting Teachers in day-to-day positions are paid at $200.24 per day, while those in long-term assignments are paid $223.76 per day. A long-term assignment is more than five consecutive days in a single assignment (long-term rate starts on the sixth day). A new rate was negotiated in 2015 for day-to-day Visiting Teachers who work 50% or more of the instructional year, called the “Established Rate.” Although SDUSD has 184-day work year for contracted educators, there are 180 days of instruction that Visiting Teachers can actually work. This means that after the 90th day of work (starting on day 91), day-to-day Visiting Teachers will be compensated at this new rate, which is $212.01. There are different rates in Appendix D of the union contract for Visiting Teachers who work during the summer, for those that work in the Early Childhood Education program, retired teachers working as visiting teachers, and rates for those that work at Visiting Speech Language Pathologists, School Psychologists, and Nurses. Additionally, visiting teachers are paid for taking the Mandatory Reporter training every year online.
Do I have the right to a prep period like other teachers?
Yes! The union contract protects Visiting Teachers’ right to a prep period. A Visiting Teacher is entitled to the same prep period/time as the teacher who you are substituting for. Teachers can and do leave work for their VTs to complete during their prep periods. You can only be required by an administrator/principal (not a secretary, other teacher, or any other non-administrative/supervisory employee) to use your prep period to cover another teacher’s class in the case of an unforeseen emergency. If you spend more than one hour in one academic year performing emergency class coverage during your prep period, you have the right to one hour of extra pay. When you exceed 1 hour of emergency class coverage in the academic year, document the work on the “Emergency Class Coverage” form, available in the resources section below. Submit the form to your supervisor at the site where you are asked to do the additional work for payment. Outside of the prep period, Visiting Teachers can only be reassigned if they mutually agree to do so with the administrator.
I am a retired teacher working as a Visiting Teacher in a vacancy. What do I need to know?
SDEA has fought to ensure that retirees working as subs, who return back to work in a vacancy and do the full scope and range of duties as a regularly employed teacher, will get paid their daily rate of pay they were receiving prior to retirement (the step and column salary placement you reitred at, divided by 184 days). This does not apply for retirees coming back to work as a day-to-day or long-term sub, however. The district also brings back retirees to do certain types of hourly work, like test administration.
Can Visiting Teachers use sick leave?
Yes, as of July 1st, 2015, all Visiting Teachers have the right to use sick leave. Visiting Teachers accrue sick leave at the rate of one sick leave day for every 30 days worked in one school year. Once a Visiting Teacher has worked at least 30 days in a school year, they can utilize sick leave. As of 2024, Day-to-day Visiting Teachers are allowed to use 40 hours (five days) of sick leave per year, while long-term Visiting Teachers can use all sick leave that they have accrued in their bank. Visiting Teachers will be able to request sick leave in accordance with Article 32.8 of the union contract and the Side Letter between SDUSD and SDEA from 8/26/2015. Click on this link for more information on sick leave usage procedures from SDUSD.
Why are Visiting Teachers joining SDEA?
Visiting Teachers are joining SDEA because we know that we are stronger when we stand together! With SDEA, Visiting Teachers have won some of the highest pay in San Diego County. We know that we can accomplish more than ever before in our effort to improve our jobs if we come together. Having a union means having a voice in your working conditions and having a seat at the table to be able to negotiate with the district for more and better pay and working conditions.
When you choose to be an SDEA member, you choose to join with more than 7,000 educators in San Diego to stand up for better jobs via negotiations and better schools via the union’s political work locally and state-wide. SDEA membership includes the right to vote on the SDEA union contract and for union representatives, as well as eligibility to run for SDEA elected positions.
SDEA membership also includes several union privileges, including $1,000,000 liability insurance which protects union members while performing their job duties, discounted insurances, personal legal services, financial planning, and eligibility for union educational scholarships and professional development.
How do Visiting Teachers have a voice within SDEA?
SDEA members Visiting Teachers can elect and run for SDEA, CTA and NEA offices, including SDEA Representative, SDEA Council Representative, SDEA Board of Directors, CTA State Council Delegate, NEA Rep. Assembly and AFL-CIO Delegate. Dues-paying union memebrs can also be a part of committees that do valuable work addressing the needs of the membership.
- SDEA Membership Form
- Know Your Rights – Visiting Teachers – SEP 24
- Visiting Teachers – Emergency Class Coverage Tracking Form 2016 (updated)
- SDUSD VT Salary Schedule Link
- Side Letter – Visiting Teacher Sick Leave Rights (8-26-15)
- SDUSD VT Sick Leave Usage Procedures Link
- Side Letter – Use of Visiting Teachers to Conduct ELPAC Testing (7/30/2018)
- Visiting Teachers Mandatory Training Memorandum Of Understanding (1/20/2016)
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