Contract Resources (SDUSD – Know Your Rights, etc.)

Welcome to the SDEA Contract Resources page! SDEA members, this area is your one-stop shop for resources to help you organize your site and enforce the contract more effectively. Below you will find Know Your Rights! contract enforcement flyers, issue-specific FAQs, and other resources about your rights at work.

Know Your Rights!

Microsoft Word - Know Your Rights - Association Rights.doc Association Rights

Association Reps, are you familiar with your rights? Did you know that you are entitled to release time for processing grievances? Did you know that you can hold union meetings both outside and inside the work day? The key to a strong site is an informed AR! Make sure that you are holding your administrators accountable in order to best represent your members.

Microsoft Word - Know Your Rights - Evaluation.docEvaluations

The evaluation process can be one of the most stressful experiences a teacher has during the course of the year — particularly if your principal isn’t doing his or her job properly. Teachers being evaluated this year, make sure you review the evaluation timeline on the flyer for the 2023-2024 school year and are familiar with evaluation procedures.  Here is a link to the 2023 – 2024 E3/Evaluation process and timelines.

Know Your Rights - Meeting Attendance Thumbnail

Meeting Attendance

According to our contract, teachers can be required to attend a “reasonable” number of meetings. But how many meetings are reasonable? One staff meeting outside of your regularly scheduled work day per month is reasonable, but four are not. Make sure that your administrators are respecting your time.

And more…

Explore the complete Know Your Rights! archive below. If you have suggestions for future Know Your Rights! guides, please email your suggestions to a Contract Specialist.

Contract FAQs

Useful Documents

Other Resources

Members with questions about a possible contract violation should contact the site AR. If you believe your rights have been violated, work with your AR to initiate the grievance process at your site.