Bargaining Update: Preschool & TK Toileting Policy

SDUSD recently changed its toileting policy to come into compliance with state law, which says that Preschool…

District proposal for a 2024-25 Supplementary Early Retirement Plan (SERP)

This week the District provided SDEA with a proposal for a Supplementary Early Retirement Plan (SERP) for the…

Bargaining Update: Mandatory Trainings

SDEA members and staff met with the District on October 15 to bargain over this year’s increase in mandatory…

Indigenous Peoples’ Day: October 14, 2024

Monday, October 14, 2024 is Indigenous Peoples' Day. Here are three resources to explore: This Cal Matters…

Know Your Rights: Heat Protection

Our communities have recently been impacted by record breaking heat waves, and in recent years our union…