SDEA 2022 Election Endorsements

The SDEA Representative Council approved the endorsements for SDUSD School Board of Shana Hazan for…

SDEA 2022 Spring Elections Results

The SDEA Spring 2022 election is complete and election results have been posted here on the SDEA Internal…

SDEA Scholarship Deadline

SDEA annually offers scholarships for members and members’ dependents. The Dependent Application is for…

COVID Leave Win!!

After months of work to push the District on improving COVID leave, an agreement was reached this week. The…

SDUSD Mask Mandate Decision

This past July, SDEA members overwhelmingly approved a safety agreement that called for the District to…

2022 SDEA On-line Spring Elections

SDEA is a member-run democratic organization which means YOU have the opportunity to be involved and run…

Mask Mandate

On Monday, the state announced that we will move from required masking indoors in schools…

Educators Applaud Supplemental COVID Sick Leave Agreement

BURLINGAME – California Teachers Association President E. Toby Boyd, a kindergarten educator, released…

All Hands-on Deck and Elimination of Non-Essential Workload

Member leaders have asked the District to put in place a plan that ensures that all available staff,…

Substitute Teacher Pay Improvements Won!

In order to improve Visiting Teacher staffing, we have just won the highest pay for substitute teachers…