NEA Representative Assembly: Declarations of Candidacy

Educators need a voice anywhere that decisions are made. We have multiple opportunities to advocate for…

CTA Member Benefits Web Series

There is a new web series available from CTA about the benefits available to all members. See the webinar…

SPED caseload grievances: An update & call to action

The District has finally responded to SDEA's union-wide caseload grievance. This year SDEA filed a unionwide…

2024-25 SERP Agreement Reached

A SERP Agreement has been finalized! Last night we finalized an agreement with the District to offer a…

Labor Council Food & Toy Drive 2024

The San Diego & Imperial Counties Labor Council is holding their annual Holiday Food and Toy Drive for…

Last Call: Priorities for the final weeks of the 118th Congress

Congress has entered its post-election session, often referred to as a "lame duck" period. While this…

SERP Bargaining Update

This morning our bargaining team met with the District to provide a counteroffer to their initial proposal…

Bargaining Update: Preschool & TK Toileting Policy

SDUSD recently changed its toileting policy to come into compliance with state law, which says that Preschool…

District proposal for a 2024-25 Supplementary Early Retirement Plan (SERP)

This week the District provided SDEA with a proposal for a Supplementary Early Retirement Plan (SERP) for the…