Fully-Paid Family Healthcare Locked In

In addition to the 15% salary increase that we will all see in our paychecks this school year, our SDEA union educator organizing efforts also resulted in a stellar new contract that locks in our fully-paid family healthcare for the next 2 school years. We are the only large district in San Diego County with fully-paid family healthcare and this critical benefit is essential to attracting and keeping the highest quality educators at our schools! In addition, healthcare premium costs are rising, so it’s essential to protect our standard-setting benefits in this volatile environment.

Our strength as a union is the foundation of the historic new contract that we will be starting to implement this school year. The reality is that district leadership didn't just "give" us the union contract we wanted. We organized to fight for it. Each collective action we took -- from t-shirt days to rallies and pickets -- built our solidarity and pushed the district closer to saying "yes." None of us has that power alone, but together, we have the power to win improvements to educator working conditions that are our students’ learning conditions. The source of our strength is that 95% of us choose to be SDEA members. Are you?

CTA Retirement Workshop on Monday, September 11

You’re never too young or old to learn about your CalSTRS benefits, programs, and services! Register now for upcoming CTA online retirement workshops starting on Monday, September 11 from 4:30-6:30PM. Space is limited!

There will be materials and discussion of the CalSTRS retirement benefit formula, options, Defined Benefit Supplemental program, survivor benefits, legislative changes, and Social Security Offsets. See this flyer for more information on the CTA online retirement workshops including additional dates and a workshop for CalPERS members on Wednesday, November 8.

SDEA members PROTEST THE SCHOOL BOARD next Tuesday, May 16!

We don’t have a tentative agreement, so we will be protesting at the School Board meeting next Tuesday, May 16. We will be declaring impasse if we can’t come to a fair deal for educators and students by the end of this month. If you still have picket signs from March, please bring them to the school board protest. If you have already returned your picket signs, there will be picket signs available at the protest. RSVP Here!

SDEA 2023 General Spring Election Results

The SDEA Spring 2023 election is complete and election results have been posted on the SDEA website. The Election Committee is proud to facilitate this process and thanks all SDEA members who participated in their democratic right. Together We Are Stronger!

Member Feedback on SDEA Budget

The SDEA Bylaws give SDEA members the opportunity to give feedback on some parts of the SDEA Budget. Your AR/CR team will receive a copy of the budget at this month’s Rep. Council. There are budget input sessions scheduled for April 14th and April 24th at 4:30pm. If you would like to attend either of these meetings, please email SDEAPres@sdea.net. Member feedback will then be considered when creating the 2nd reading of the SDEA Budget, which will be presented at the May Rep Council. 

Summer School 2021 Grievance Settlement

In Fall 2021, a unionwide grievance was filed regarding the hours members were required to work summer school in 2021. During Summer School 2021, most educators at elementary schools who participated in the summer school program were required to work an instructional day longer (by 20 minutes each day!) than what Schedule A (Appendix E, Section 2.01) allows.

A grievance settlement agreement was recently reached with SDUSD that will provide compensation to impacted SDEA unit members who worked at one of 43 elementary school sites during the 2021 summer.

Check out this Contract Win! Summer School 2021 Pay Agreement flyer to see if you're eligible.  If there is a discrepancy in your case, the flyer includes a notification form that must be filled out no later than Friday, May 12, 2023.

Join the Fight for a Fair Contract - Come to an Accountability Session with SDUSD Board Members!

Sign up now! SDEA School Board Accountability Sessions Apr. 18 & 19

Before Spring Break, SDEA members lit up the city with pickets for a contract at 141 schools! The pickets show that we are organized, powerful, and have community support. And THAT is exactly what the District needs to see in order to settle a good contract with SDEA members!

After pickets were announced -- before the pickets even happened -- the District finally moved on issues they'd been ignoring for months. Then after they saw 141 schools and 4800 SDEA members picketing, we got even more results at the bargaining table!

But we still don't have a contract. We’re far apart on a number of important issues, not least of all pay:

  • SDEA - 19.25% over 2 years
  • SDUSD - 9% over 2 years

Turning up the pressure is getting us results, but we need more. That means we need to turn up the heat to win all that we want -- not turn it off. We need to push for a contract now! Now SDEA members are calling for School Board Accountability Sessions!

SDEA Scholarships

SDEA annually offers scholarships for members and members’ dependents. The Dependent Application is for graduating seniors and current college-enrolled students, who are dependents of a current SDEA member. The Member Application is for current SDEA members who wish to further their education.

2023 SDEA Spring Elections Now Open! Your Voice Matters!

As you can see in all the pickets throughout the district, members are the critical piece of everything our collective union does. As a member-run democratic organization members like YOU can be involved by running and voting on which fellow educators/members lead our union as an: SDEA Board of Director, CTA State Council Delegate, or NEA-RA Representative.  

YOUR VOICE MATTERS and it is key in the selection of our SDEA Leadership! Check your personal email now for an easy-to-use voting link from the San Diego Education Association and vote. The 2023 SDEA Spring Election will close on Friday, March 24th at 5 p.m. To confirm or update your personal email address, or if you have questions, please contact the SDEA Elections Committee at sdeaelections@sdea.net. Only members are eligible to vote. You can become a voting member by completing this membership form.

North Island Credit Union Student Scholarship

The North Island CU Annual Scholarship program is now available! The credit union will award 10 students with a scholarship of $1,000 each. High school seniors and community college students transferring to a four-year university who maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.0 are eligible to participate. Selection criteria include academic performance, school or community involvement, a letter of recommendation, and an essay submission.  Applications are available through Friday, March 10, 2023 and winners will be announced on the North Island CU website Monday, April 3, 2023. Interested students can find more information and apply at northisland.ccu.com/studentscholarship.