For more information about the committees, or if you are interested in serving on one, please contact the SDEA President at
SDEA Standing Committees
Bargaining Team – Bylaws 8.0
Chair: Stacy Hernandez (Dailard Elementary)
Staff Liaison : Abdul Sayid, Sara Holerud, Jessica Garcia Heller
- The President shall appoint all members, alternates, and the chairperson of the Bargaining Team with the concurrence of the Board of Directors.
- The Bargaining Team shall have responsibility for conducting all bargaining related activities as set forth in the Standing Rules.
- Vacancies created by resignation or inability to serve shall be filled by the Board of Directors from the list of alternates.
- The Board of Directors, by two-thirds (2/3) majority, may remove a member of the Bargaining Team.
- The Bargaining Team shall be under the direction of the Board of Directors, and shall report its activities to the Board of Directors, as the Board requires.
- The Bargaining Team is empowered to reach tentative agreements with the District subject to ratification by the Active membership.
- The duties of the Bargaining Team are to represent and to bargain for the bargaining unit(s).
- Responsibility and authority for directing the bargaining process on behalf of the Association are vested in the Board of Directors subject to policies established by the Active membership.
- Employees in each appropriate bargaining unit shall be surveyed to determine contents of the proposed contract demands, and the contract proposal for each appropriate unit shall be approved by Representative Council in that unit.
- The Board of Directors shall provide for the dissemination of information regarding bargaining and the activities of the Bargaining Team to the general membership.
- Agreements reached between the Bargaining Team and the school board or its representatives shall be considered tentative and not binding upon the Association until such agreements have been ratified by the Active membership in the appropriate unit(s) unless such ratification shall have been specifically waived or otherwise delegated by that active membership.
Budget Committee – Bylaws 9.0
Chair: Stacy Hernandez (Dailard Elementary)
Staff Liaison: Olimpia Reyes
- The Budget Committee shall be appointed by the President with concurrence of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall serve as the Chairperson of the Committee.
- Budget hearings will be held yearly with the Treasurer serving as Chair;
- Hearings will be open to all members for input;
- Hearings may be held at various locations;
- Hearings will be concluded in time for a preliminary budget to be presented to the Board of Directors for approval and recommendation to the Representative Council; and
- The budget will be presented to the Representative Council for adoption on or before the last Representative Council meeting of the school year.
Election Committee – Bylaws 11.0
Co- Chair: Peter Oskin (Pt. Loma High) & Kristin Brown (Silver Gate Elementary)
Staff: Nanette Najera
- With the concurrence of the Board of Directors, the President shall appoint annually the Chairperson and members of the Elections Committee. In accordance with these governance documents, and in accordance with Association elections procedures adopted by the Representative Council, the Elections Committee shall be responsible for conducting all Association elections.
Grievance Committee – Bylaws 10.0
Chair: Teri Ang (Mann Middle)
Staff Liaison: Rafal Dobrowolski
- Annually, with the concurrence of the Board of Directors, the President shall appoint a Grievance Committee Chairperson and members of the grievance committee. In accordance with guidelines set forth in the Standing Rules, the Grievance Committee shall have the responsibility of representing members in grievance meetings, identification and training of grievance representatives and recommending grievance cases for arbitration to the Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors shall adopt, with the approval of the Representative Council, the procedures for grievance processing.
- These procedures shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
- Provide for representation to assist all members of the bargaining unit(s) in processing grievances;
- Training for handling grievances; and
- Evaluation of the Association’s grievance policies and procedures.
Political Action Committee – PAC Bylaws
PIC Chair: Kyle Weinberg
Staff Liaison: Michael DeVries
The San Diego Education Association Political Action Committee (SDEA/PAC) is established for the following purposes:
- To inform members of legislation, voting records, and positions of legislators and candidates that may affect the members’ classroom, working conditions, rights and benefits.
- To serve as a voluntary funding structure through which SDEA members may give direct and indirect financial contributions to support or oppose
- Local candidates for office;
- Local issues, including ballot measures
Such as are deemed worthy of support (or opposition) from the standpoint of educational issues and without regard to partisan consideration.
Recognition Committee – Bylaws 12.0
Chair: Gretchen Casey-Nakanishi (Scripps Elementary)
Staff liaison: Nanette Najera and Jessica Garcia Heller
The Recognition Committee is responsible for planning and organizing the following activities:
- Day of the Teacher Celebration
- SDEA Awards Banquet
- Recognition activities at the Representative Council meetings
- The Recognition Committee is responsible for the publication and dissemination of information about the SDEA Scholarship program. The committee organizes the activities involved in the selection of the scholarship winners and presentation of the awards.
- The Recognition Committee is responsible for the selection of the award recipients for the following awards:
- Who Awards
- Crystal Apple
- The President is responsible for selecting the recipient(s) of the SDEA President’s Award.
- The Board of Directors is responsible for selecting the recipient(s) of the SDEA Board of Directors’ Award.
- The Executive Director is responsible for selecting the recipient(s) of the Executive Director’s Award.
SDEA Contractual Committees
Joint Calendar Committee – Section 8.2.1
Chair: Kyle Weinberg
The purpose of this Committee shall be to develop a multi-year master calendar which includes traditional, single- track and multi-track year-round schedules, non-paid holidays and other non-paid days.
Elementary Prep Time Committee – Section 8.6.2
Staff Liaison: Michael DeVries & Rafal Dobrowolski
The Committee will be charged as follows:
- To obtain suggestions from the elementary school sites relative to the use of the preparation time teachers, and to develop an annual schedule of the assignment of preparation time teachers to sites, and to monitor the implementation of the preparation time program, including the allocation of preparation time to each elementary school.
- To anticipate and develop recommended procedures to cover any unique employment conditions attendant to preparation time teachers, including provisions related to travel time, preparation time, number of sites served, length of instructional sessions/weeks, class size, number of classes, etc.
Joint Health and Welfare Benefits Committee – Section 9.6
Staff Liaison: Morgan Thornberry
9.6.1. The Parties agree to the appointment of a districtwide Health and Welfare Benefits Committee composed of two (2) representatives appointed by each employee organization/group involved. The Committee shall work to maintain a quality benefit package. The Committee shall establish its own meeting schedule.
9.6.2. The Committee will review district health and welfare benefit programs and have the opportunity to meet with plan providers and outside consultants to become informed on the plan provisions, financing, agreements with providers and other appropriate plan details.
9.6.3. The Committee may develop advisory recommendations from time to time regarding modifications to the health and welfare benefit programs. It is understood that such advisory recommendations will be made to the District and the involved employee organization/group. Recommendations by the Committee that are intended to be part of the November open enrollment shall be made no later than August 1 of the same year. The date can be extended to allow a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days from the date the Committee received all three (3) medical benefit premium amounts from the VEBA.
9.6.4. The Committee shall review and make necessary recommendations regarding all contracts with carriers prior to adoption by the Board of Education.
9.6.5. During the term of this Agreement, the Committee agrees to research creative ways to reduce the cost of the benefits program and may recommend to the District and the Association that certain reductions be made to fund improvements elsewhere in the benefits package.
9.6.6. The Committee will seek and evaluate a rate quote for dental coverage through the VEBA trust as needed.
Joint Medical Benefits Trust – Sections 9.8 and 9.9
Staff Liaison: Morgan Thornberry
Joint Retiree Medical Benefits Trust:
The Trust’s sole purpose shall be providing health benefit premium credits to eligible, retired unit members.
RIF Healthcare Fund Trust:
The parties will establish and maintain a trust fund, with costs paid from the fund, for the purpose of extending healthcare benefits to unit members who may suffer a layoff in future years.
Transfer Monitoring Committee – Section 12.2.12
Staff Liaison: Jonathon Mello & Rafal Dobrowolski
The District and the Association agree to review and monitor post and bid and excessing procedures as they are implemented, to respond to inquiries from the District or the Association, to determine the date and scope of any early spring (February, March, April) postings, and to make appropriate recommendations to the Contract Administration Committee.
E3/Evaluation Committee – Section 14.8
Staff Liaison: Sara Holerud & Jessica Garcia Heller
The Association and the District share a mutual interest in improving the evaluation process to ensure the process is one that focuses primarily on growth and development. Both Parties recognize the difficulty and complexity of classroom teaching and non-classroom services. Both Parties recognize that a growth and development evaluation process entails a reflective, meaningful professional discourse that will lead to growth experience for all unit members. To this end, the Parties agree to the following:
14.8.1. Phase 1: Research and Development of a New Evaluation Model The Parties shall convene two joint committees, each consisting of five (5) unit members appointed by the Association and five (5) administrators appointed by the District, with one joint committee dedicated to developing a new evaluation model for instructional personnel, and the other dedicated to developing a model for non-instructional personnel. The joint committees shall meet at least monthly during the calendar year following ratification of this agreement, to research and review alternative methods of evaluation systems, and procedures and protocols designed to encourage positive educator growth. The committees will develop model evaluation and performance indicators during this calendar year based on the following standards: 1) engaging and supporting all students and learning, 2) creating and maintaining effective environments for student learning, 3) understanding and organizing subject matter for student learning, 4) planning instruction and designing learning experiences for all students, 5) assessing students for learning, and 6) developing as professional educators. The listing of these standards is not intended to promote a specific or existing evaluation model/tool, but is intended only to identify broad categories related to teaching and learning. The committees are expected to review multiple existing evaluation tools/matrices (e.g. based on California Standards for the Teaching Profession, the 5D model, Marzano, other successful evaluation models in other California school districts, etc.) and develop District-specific model evaluation and performance indicators.
14.8.2. Phase 2: Pilot Implementation at Selected Schools/Programs The model evaluation and performance indicators developed by the committees will be implemented at pilot implementation schools/programs during the school year following the completion of Phase 1. The goal is for the committees to identify pilot schools/programs consisting of 25% of the District’s elementary, middle and high schools, with representation across the District geographically and across low/middle/high school performance levels. At the pilot schools/programs the model evaluation criteria and performance indicators will, as a pilot program, replace the Elements of Evaluation in Article 14.3 of the current agreement. All other elements of the evaluation process delineated in Articles 14.2 through 14.6 will remain in effect at the pilot schools. Participation by individual unit members at the pilot schools/programs shall be voluntary. Unit members who are not scheduled to be evaluated during the pilot year are eligible to participate in the pilot program. Any evaluation documents related to a participating unit member shall not become a part of the unit member’s personnel records unless requested by the unit member. Unit members subject to Section 14.9 (Special Evaluation) in the Pilot Implementation year shall not be entitled to participate in the pilot program.
14.8.3. Phase 3: Recommendations to the Bargaining Parties Based on the work of the joint committees, including but not limited to feedback received from participants in the pilot evaluation process at the pilot schools, on or before April 15 of the pilot implementation school year, each committee shall submit recommendations to the District and the Association regarding implementation of new evaluation systems/processes for instructional and non-instructional personnel, including any recommended amendments to Article 14 of the collective bargaining agreement. The committees shall convene at least once after the submission of recommendations, and prior to the end of the school year, to discuss potential new or modified recommendations based on feedback received after the initial submission of recommendations. After receiving the initial recommendations the Parties shall meet and negotiate changes to Article 14 of the agreement, with the intent to negotiate any changes to Article 14 prior to the beginning of the school year.
Peer Enrichment Program Panel Committee – Section
Staff Liaison — Abdul Sayid
The Peer Assistance and Review Panel (PAR) will develop and implement a process for Consulting Teacher certification [see Section 18.4].
Contract Administration Committee – Article 25
Staff Liaison: Abdul Sayid
The purpose of this Committee shall be to meet periodically as needed, to resolve contract administration issues which may arise from time to time during the term of this Agreement. In addition, the Committee shall also address the following issues as required by the Collective Bargaining Agreement:
25.2.1. Problems related to access to district premises as defined in Section 5.3.
25.2.2. Problems related to the use of association leave for association business as set forth in Section 5.4.3.
25.2.3. Negotiate the District’s Master Calendar as established in Section 8.2.2.
25.2.4. Receive and act upon requests from unit members whose application for donated sick leave has been denied as specified in Section 10.22.
25.2.5. Review Site Security Plan Criteria as set forth in Sections 11.6.2.
25.2.6. Problems relating to implementation of dress codes (if any) as set forth in Section 11.12.
25.2.7. Receive any recommendations regarding the Transfer Monitoring process established in Section 12.2.12.
25.2.8. Review monthly class size reports of secondary academic classes, utilize data for future negotiations and develop recommended solutions to outstanding class size problems as established in Sections 13.5.5.and 13.5.6.
25.2.9. Negotiate impacts and effects of layoff as established in Section 19.2.2.
25.2.10. Receive and act upon any proposed contract waivers as established in Section 24.3.
25.2.11. Implement provisions of Article 24 which are assigned to the CAC, including resolution of site shared decision-making disputes in accordance with Section 24.4, contract and procedure waivers as defined in Section 24.5. implementation of pilot schools as established in Section 24.6, and facilitate the development and implementation of governance team training as established in Section 24.4.
25.2.12. Receive and act upon the report of the Intern Coordination Committee as established in Section 26.7.
25.2.13. Receive and act upon recommendations from the Special Education Workload Committee as provided for in Section 29.6.
Early Childhood Education Joint Committee – Section 28.1
Staff Liaison: Morgan Thornberry
Realizing staff development is important for all unit members and anticipating changes in the state budget, it is recommended that a joint committee be formed to make recommendations to the Contract Administration Committee (CAC) on staff development issues in regard to Early Childhood Education Program unit members.
Joint Special Education Workload Committee – Section 29.2
Staff Liaison: Rafal Dobrowolski
Special education workloads referenced in [Article 29], shall be monitored by the Joint Workload Committee in accordance with Section 29.3.
Visiting Teacher Committee – Section 32.7
Staff Liaison: Jonathon Mello & Jessica Garcia Heller
The Parties agree to the establishment of a Joint Visiting Teacher Committee to be composed of an equal number of unit members appointed by the Association and representatives appointed by the District. This committee shall:
32.7.1. Establish its own meeting schedule.
32.7.2. Review and make appropriate changes in the orientation program and handbook for visiting teachers.
32.7.3. Meet and make recommendations for changes in the SAMS computer system for visiting teachers, including how the system can be effectively integrated with site/departmental payroll authorization.
32.7.4. Address other issues as needed and appropriate.
March 21, 2025
Mar 18 Press Conference: Safe Parking Site
This past Tuesday, SDEA members joined the Education Justice Coalition at a press conference at the old Central Elementary site—offered to the City of San…
March 20, 2025
SDEA endorsement: Paloma Aguirre for County Supervisor
At the March Rep Council, SDEA representatives voted unanimously to endorse Paloma Aguirre for County Supervisor. Paloma is a supporter of public education and…
March 13, 2025
Update: Ed Specialist caseload grievance
Still waiting for a fair settlement: An update to the Ed Specialist caseload grievance SDEA members who were over caseload during the 2023-24 school year and…
March 13, 2025
Last Call for Elective Session Presenters – CTA Summer Institute, IPD Strand
The CTA Instruction and Professional Development (IPD) department is looking for presenters for our IPD Strand at the 2025 CTA Summer Institute. The theme of…