As SDEA members begin negotiations for our next contract, we’re not just bargaining for a stronger local contract. We’re also uniting our efforts with more than 30 other unions across the state to demand better funding for public education.
In our first bargaining session, SDEA members on the Bargaining Team focused our proposals on improved educator pay and stability for our students and communities. Read more about our 19 proposals below, and see the entire list of articles we proposed.
Almost all of our proposals come with price tags, so starting with conversations about pay is important – and not just because we live in one of the most expensive cities in the country.
Future & Retroactive Raises:
We proposed three raises for SDEA members:
- A 2% raise for our current school year, retroactive to July 1, 2024. Last year, we agreed to revisit wages once the state budget was finalized. Now that we have the numbers, we can push for the best possible raises, including retroactive pay for this current school year.
- A 4% raise beginning July 1, 2025 and another 4% increase as of July 1, 2026, which would apply to salary schedules for all unit members.
Besides proposing these percent wage increases, we proposed that members get credit for a wider range of experiences when initially placed on the salary scale. We also proposed more equitable pay for additional work beyond contracted duties, so that all members are compensated for all their work. We proposed a stipend for Bilingual and Dual Immersion teachers to compensate educators for the additional work of dual language settings and to incentivize the hiring of educators who reflect our students’ diversity. Additionally, we have proposed a significantly higher $4000 stipend for Special Education teachers to incentivize filling persistent vacancies and compensate educators for consistent work outside regularly contracted hours. (This is only one small part of our planned proposals for Special Education Staffing – the majority of proposed changes to SPED will be to Article 29, which we plan to present in March.)
Read all proposed changes to Article 7: Wages and the Salary Schedule & Rules in Appendices A-G, to see the relevant changes for your position.
Benefits & Leaves:
We proposed a variety of improvements to benefits and leaves to meet the needs of members and their families and to ensure our District can retain educators throughout a variety of life changes, including an increase of up to 12 days of personal necessity leave that can be used each school year. We additionally proposed up to 14 weeks of expanded and more flexible leave for pregnancy, increased partner/adoption leave, and priority enrollment in before- and after-school programs for SDEA members’ children. Read all proposed changes to Article 9:Benefits and Article 10: Leaves.
Visiting Teachers:
Visiting Teachers are full members of our bargaining unit and receive all negotiated percentage raises outlined in Article 7 (Wages.) We are pushing for meaningful improvements to Visiting Teacher pay in particular, considering that the District recently reverted to the contracted daily rate following the expiration of temporary COVID-era increases. Our proposals include increased rates for long-term and Special Education assignments, and the addition of a “Contracted Visiting Teacher” role that would be eligible for benefits. Read all proposed changes to Article 32: Visiting Teachers and Appendix D: VT Salary Schedule & Rules.
We’ve seen our schools destabilized by bare-bones staffing, the unnecessary chaos of threatened layoffs and fall transfers, and federal policies that target our most vulnerable students and communities. We submitted a variety of proposals to bring stability to our school communities, including:
- NO layoffs during the term of this contract. We simply can’t afford to talk about cuts when our schools are already understaffed. Read all proposed changes for Article 19: Layoff & Reemployment.
- An expanded Equity article that builds in extra protections and supports to counter ongoing threats to our most vulnerable students and educators. Read all proposed changes for the repurposed Article 35: Equity and Support for Students and Communities.
- An agreement to advocate together with district leadership for increased state and federal funding for our schools. Read all proposed changes for Article 34: Revenue for Public Education.
- Revised discipline procedures so that the District disciplines members only for just cause and through clear and progressive steps. Read all proposed changes for Article 33: Discipline.
An ongoing commitment to maintaining safe and clean school facilities. Read the proposed adjustment to Article 11: Safety.
Stay Informed:
- See the list of all proposals presented today and read the full text of each proposal in our proposal tracker.
- Our next bargaining session is scheduled for March 27, 2025. See all the articles we will propose changes to during this year’s bargaining, and our bargaining proposal tracker to keep track of ongoing negotiations.
- More information: We Can’t Wait Bargaining Information Hub
In Solidarity,
SDEA’s Bargaining Team
Kyle Weinberg, SDEA President, Laurie Bailon, Restorative Justice Teacher, Bell MS; Carly Bresee, Ed. Specialist: Moderate/Severe, Perkins K-8, Sarah Darr, SDEA Secretary, WCW Campaign Organizer & Senior SLP; Christina Gallegos, ECSE Teacher, Rodriguez ES; Candace Gyure, School Nurse; Stacy Hernandez, SDEA Bargaining Chair & 2nd Grade Teacher, Dailard El.; Andrew Melia, School Psychologist, Riley School; Elizabeth Miller, Ed. Specialist: Mild/Moderate, Lewis MS; Eri Nall, Head Counselor; Kiki Ochoa, History and Ethnic Studies Lead Teacher, Lincoln HS; Lori Schmersal, PE Teacher & Coach, Clairemont HS; plus SDEA staff Anthony Saavedra, Executive Director, and Sara Holerud, Organizer
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