Universal Transitional Kindergarten is the newest grade level in SDUSD. It brings children as young as 3 years old to our campuses.In 2021 Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 130 to gradually expand TK over a 4 year period. SDUSD became early implementers of AB 130, meaning there would be no gradual expansion and all students 4 years old by September 1 would be included. While there are many positives to being early implementers, including over 200 highly qualified ECE Teachers joining our ranks, there were many unresolved issues.

Last year TK and ECE Teachers held a listening session at SDEA with district leadership to address those issues. The issues were defined and solutions were agreed upon, but there was inconsistent movement by the district. In December, ECE and TK Teachers held a union meeting to grade the district’s progress. With the exception of maintaining class size, the grades were not good. Then on January 9th, a group of ECE and TK Teachers delivered the report card to district leadership at the board meeting. Nobody wants a bad report card and the district leaders are no exception. The delivery of the report card prompted action by the district and triggered movement on many of the unresolved issues.

TK and ECE Teachers are dedicated to providing a high quality TK experience for their students. We will continue to hold the district accountable to provide a program our students deserve. Together We Are Stronger!


Tentative Agreements Reached on All Contract Reopener Items! Ratification Vote Begins Next Week

On Wednesday, we reached tentative agreements with the District on the remaining contract reopener items regarding evaluations and…