Do you know our union contract requires Site Restorative Discipline Plans? Restorative discipline plans are essential to maintaining positive, safe environments for educators and students. Restorative Discipline Plans (RDPs) are created collaboratively with input from all stakeholders, including Admin, Staff and the Site Governance Team. RDPs created without input from the larger school community devalue the school community. When stakeholders are encouraged to have input, they are working together to find solutions that are meaningful and authentic for all, leading to successful plans. The plan is reviewed annually and must include: 

  • Expectations, supportive practices and consequences for responses to student behavior
  • Responsibility for implementation
  • Parental responsibility and support

In the event that routine classroom procedures are followed and a student continues to exhibit behavioral issues that disrupt the learning in a member’s classroom, the member may request a meeting with the admin to discuss supports and next steps.

Once the RDP has been adopted by the SGT, it must be followed with fidelity by staff and administrators. Consistent documentation of interventions and disciplinary actions are required. 
Find resources to create or update your site’s Restorative Discipline Plan here.


Tentative Agreements Reached on All Contract Reopener Items! Ratification Vote Begins Next Week

On Wednesday, we reached tentative agreements with the District on the remaining contract reopener items regarding evaluations and…