Sign up now! SDEA School Board Accountability Sessions Apr. 18 & 19

Before Spring Break, SDEA members lit up the city with pickets for a contract at 141 schools! The pickets show that we are organized, powerful, and have community support. And THAT is exactly what the District needs to see in order to settle a good contract with SDEA members!

After pickets were announced — before the pickets even happened — the District finally moved on issues they’d been ignoring for months. Then after they saw 141 schools and 4800 SDEA members picketing, we got even more results at the bargaining table!

But we still don’t have a contract. We’re far apart on a number of important issues, not least of all pay:

  • SDEA – 19.25% over 2 years
  • SDUSD – 9% over 2 years

Turning up the pressure is getting us results, but we need more. That means we need to turn up the heat to win all that we want — not turn it off. We need to push for a contract now! Now SDEA members are calling for School Board Accountability Sessions!


Tentative Agreements Reached on All Contract Reopener Items! Ratification Vote Begins Next Week

On Wednesday, we reached tentative agreements with the District on the remaining contract reopener items regarding evaluations and…