SDEA has countered SDUSD’s lowball offer on Special Education caseload grievances.

After over a year of delay, SDUSD responded to union-wide caseload grievances filed by SDEA members with a lowball offer that would pay out less than in past years. In response, SDEA leaders have sent a counter offer to settle 2023-24 and 2024-25 caseload grievances. The SDEA offer is modeled off of previous grievance settlements and would:

  • Give Ed Specialists who were over caseload payments based on an hourly rate per student over caseload.
  • Include payments to Ed Specialists providing case management and services to students not technically on their caseloads.

Read the full proposals:

Format legend:

  • Red, bold, underlined = New language SDEA is proposing
  • Red strikethrough = Language SDUSD proposed that SDEA is rejecting
  • Black, bold, underlined = Language SDUSD proposed that SDEA is accepting

Note: The settlement proposals contain references to Exhibit A and B (a list of eligible members) and a Caseload Grievance Appeal Form. Those do not yet exist and will be released after an agreement is reached. The process of generating the list of eligible members (and ensuring no one is left off that list!) can begin after the details of the settlement are finalized.

Delayed Stipends ≠ Real Solutions!

For years Ed. Specialists have been overloaded with caseloads far beyond contractual limits – burning out educators and impacting the entire school community. Burned-out educators and underserved students deserve real solutions, not delayed and shrinking checks. It is clear that District leadership simply does not feel the same urgency as educators do to fully staff Special Education. It is long past time to get students and educators the support they need!

Show up on January 28th to make the SDUSD Board feel the urgency!

At the next SDUSD Board Meeting, let’s show up to demand that they:

  1. Settle grievances fairly
  2. Come to the bargaining table with an urgency to fully staff our schools




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