Whether or not you are considering retirement this year, it is never too early to learn more!

Learn more about retirement options at an upcoming CalSTRS session

CalSTRS has upcoming in-person and online “My Retirement Decisions” sessions available. Learn how to calculate your retirement benefit, choose your retirement date, beneficiary options, service retirement forms, your Defined Benefit Supplement account, and working after retirement. Slides and materials are also available here.

Are you over 50 or turning 50 this academic year?

You may already be considering the District’s offer of a Supplementary Early Retirement Plan (SERP) for the 2024-25 academic year. The enrollment deadline is January 15th, so if you need access to an enrollment packet you’ll need to act quickly!



NEA Representative Assembly: SDEA members running as State Delegates

The National Education Association Representative Assembly (or NEA-RA) is the highest decision-making body within the NEA, and is the…

VEBA Dependent Eligibility Audit – 2025

Every five years, SDUSD is required to verify that all dependents (including spouses and domestic partners) enrolled in our healthcare plan…

Fixing elementary prep time issues: Agreement reached

Scheduling elementary prep time has been more complex this year, with the contractual right to at least 180 minutes of prep time every two…