This morning our bargaining team met with the District to provide a counteroffer to their initial proposal for the Supplemental Early Retirement Program (SERP).
Our proposal increases the District’s annuity incentive to a full year’s salary. It also acknowledges that the SERP will further impact special education by creating more vacancies.
To address special education vacancies, we proposed the creation of a program for the District to pay for current unit members – including those on temporary contracts and visiting teachers – to earn a credential in special education with the guarantee of a job. We believe this creates a pathway for educators to continue working in our District on a track to permanent status and also a solution to preemptively reduce the need for layoffs during a challenging budget year.
The District’s bargaining team plans to present our proposal to the School Board in closed session on Tuesday and will respond after receiving guidance and parameters.
More information on the SERP, including a FAQ, is available here.
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