Coming together to win a strong contract
A strong union contract is one that meets the needs of the community and amplifies all voices. As SDEA members prepare for their next contract, Bargaining Input Sessions were held at all sites and programs at the start of the 2024-25 school year. Educators shared their ideas on how to improve the contract in four key areas: Wages, Benefits, Working Conditions, and Common Good. Representatives gathered these ideas in union meetings at 150+ schools, including a chance for members to individually identify their top priorities.
Photos from a few Bargaining Input Sessions
Finding common ground across our community and our state
As SDEA members shared ideas for their next contract, educators in unions statewide were doing the same. Many discussions in San Diego are reflected across the state: understaffed schools, low pay amidst rising costs, and a lack of school funding which is heightened by the lack of other resources like affordable housing. While educators in each district have unique needs and priorities, they are all encountering the same, big problem: California’s inadequate investment in public education. Despite being the largest economy in the U.S. and one of the largest in the world, California ranks 33rd in the country for per-pupil funding. This underfunding is nothing new, but the need for solutions is increasingly urgent as the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic linger on after specific COVID-related funds dry up.
Because of the strong voices of SDEA educators, SDUSD already dedicates a significant portion of its budget to school staffing and maintains reserves near the legal minimum – two priorities that many other educator unions are still fighting for. Yet even a strong union and a strong contract aren’t enough to balance the broader issue of anemic school funding by the state. San Diego schools remain understaffed, with burned-out educators struggling to afford to live in our expensive city, and drops in enrollment further threatening school budgets. Along with continuing to demand a contract prioritizing educators, improving staffing, and ensuring stability for our communities, SDEA educators need comprehensive, long-term solutions. California can and should invest more in public education, and union educators statewide are strategizing how to make that happen.
Unions statewide chose a name for our campaign that reflects that urgency: We Can’t Wait! It’s time to finally fund the schools our students deserve.
Crafting a bargaining platform that reflects our collective priorities
With the data from Bargaining Input Sessions and notes from statewide conversations, the SDEA Bargaining Commission began work in October on crafting a bargaining platform. This Commission includes SDEA members representing various grade levels, programs, and specialties, ensuring the diverse needs and perspectives of over 6000 members are represented.
In October, the Bargaining Commission reviewed the survey results from Bargaining Input Sessions and identified themes in the top ideas that educators shared related to wages, benefits, working conditions, and the common good. They condensed similar ideas to create a master list of priorities for the Bargaining Team to bring to negotiations. In alignment with statewide demands, the Commission organized these priorities into three main categories:
- Fully staff our schools
- Improve educator pay
- Stability for students & communities
A bargaining platform is the big picture!
Bargaining platforms are the key demands that members, families, and communities will show up to fight for. Platforms are different than contract proposals, which are more detailed, cover more topics, and eventually become the language of our union contract.
For example, in 2023 SDEA members successfully fought for lower class sizes in younger grades, increased nurse staffing, and a 15% pay raise – all under our broad Recover, Rebuild, Rise Together! Platform. Other platform examples from past contract campaigns include the Fight For 5 and L.E.A.R.N.
Platforms are always the big picture for our community, but this year the picture is even bigger as we align our demands with a statewide fight. Together we are stronger!
What platform will we bring to the bargaining table?
Click here to read the platform that SDEA members are voting on at their November or December union meetings!
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