On Wednesday, we reached tentative agreements with the District on the remaining contract reopener items regarding evaluations and postponing bargaining on wage increases for next school year. These are in addition to the previous tentative agreements on limiting fall excessing and housing supports for students and educators. This round of reopener bargaining addresses specific provisions of the contract and covers the last year of our historic agreement that we won through our collective actions last school year. 

Due to Reduced State Funding, Wage Increase Discussions Rescheduled for 2024-25 School Year

There are still too many unknowns as to how the anemic state budget will impact SDUSD in the 2024-25 school year. Therefore, this agreement allows SDEA and SDUSD to start bargaining over 2024-25 wages next school year after the state budget has been finalized by the legislature over the summer.


Next school year, educators who are on their scheduled evaluation cycle will have the choice to participate in the Alternative Evaluation Process or a Growth and Development Process. Similar to what’s in place this school year, any educator on cycle can participate in the Alternative Evaluation despite their contract status and years of certificated experience. The Growth and Development Process option is similar to E3, but without some of the more workload-intensive components, like the MyPGD online platform.

Fall Excessing Limited 

After months of SDEA union educators organizing together with SDUSD families and community allies for more stable schools, the SDEA Bargaining Team and the District reached an agreement that will minimize fall staffing movement. This came on the heels of our victory to move the District to rescind the overwhelmingly majority of remaining educator layoff notices. 

The tentative agreement on transfers is part of ongoing work to negotiate transfer rules that are fair, transparent, and less confusing. The goal of this agreement is to continue piloting long needed changes to improve the transfer process, to improve the District’s enrollment process, and to ultimately phase out disruptive fall staffing. To this end, limited involuntary transfers may be possible during the summer 2024 based on updated actual student enrollment and only when justified by a needed staffing increase based on more accurate enrollment data. If any such limited movement is needed, the District must notify an impacted unit member by August 2.

Once the school year starts, the Joint SDEA-SDUSD Transfer Monitoring Committee will have the final authority to approve any involuntary general education transfers in Fall 2024 for the purpose of shifting allocations to staff sites that have actual enrollment to support an increase in allocation, and/or to allocate additional instructional resources to high needs schools. Changes to Special Education and Elementary Enrichment bundles in the fall will be shared with the Transfer Monitoring Committee before finalizing placement. See this detailed overview for more information on changes to this year’s Post and Bid.

Housing Supports for Students and Educators

The SDEA Bargaining Team and the District reached an agreement on housing supports for students and educators that puts us on the front lines of the fight to ensure that we can all continue to afford to live in the communities where we teach and learn.

Our agreement will ensure that 50% of future SDUSD employee affordable housing units built with Measure U bond funds must be designated specifically for SDEA unit members. SDUSD must also partner with the City of San Diego to make at least one safe parking site available for unhoused students and their families on District property by June 30, 2025.

Find more on Tentative Agreement Summary here.

This FAQ is a living document where more questions will be added as our members learn more about our contract wins. Check it out here!

Links to Tentative Agreements

Contract Reopener Informational Session

Questions about any of the tentative agreements? There will be an informational Contract Reopener Zoom webinar open to all SDEA members next Tuesday, 6/4 at 4:30 pm. Check your email for the registration link!


This tentative agreement requires ratification by the SDEA membership. SDEA members will vote online via SimplyVoting starting Wednesday, June 5, 2024 at 7:00 AM through Monday, June 10, 2024 at 5:00 PM. 

You must be a member in order to vote. Not a member? Join now! 

SDEA members will receive a ballot in their sandi.net email inbox on Wednesday, June 5, at 7:00 AM.

Together We Are Stronger!

Kyle Weinberg, SDEA President, Teri Ang, Theatre Teacher, Mann MS; Carly Bresee, Ed. Specialist: Moderate/Severe, Perkins K-8, Sarah Darr, Senior SLP, Millennial Tech MS; Christina Gallegos, ECSE Teacher, LMEC; Candace Gyure, School Nurse; Stacy Hernandez, 2nd Grade Teacher, Dailard El.; Andrew Melia, School Psychologist, Riley School; Eri Nall, Counselor; Kiki Ochoa, History and Ethnic Studies Lead Teacher, Lincoln HS; Angela Rieke, Ed. Specialist Mild/Moderate, CPMA/Standley; Lori Schmersal, PE Teacher & Coach, Clairemont HS; plus SDEA staff Abdul Sayid, Executive Director, Sara Holerud, Organizer and Jessica Garcia Heller, CTA Organizing Intern



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