As school sites begin the “Site Based Budgeting (SBB)” process, some sites will need to adjust staffing due to enrollment changes.  At some sites, additional staff will be required. At others, staff may be “excessed” (involuntarily transferred) due to enrollment declines, and other limited reasons. The excessing process is not a lay off, just the method in which staff are allocated around the district to address enrollment changes. Staffing is accomplished via the spring “Post and Bid” process, where certificated staff bid on available positions. Find out more about excessing here, since the most recent contract modified some of the rules around how certificated staff are excessed.



NEA Representative Assembly: SDEA members running as State Delegates

The National Education Association Representative Assembly (or NEA-RA) is the highest decision-making body within the NEA, and is the…

VEBA Dependent Eligibility Audit – 2025

Every five years, SDUSD is required to verify that all dependents (including spouses and domestic partners) enrolled in our healthcare plan…

Fixing elementary prep time issues: Agreement reached

Scheduling elementary prep time has been more complex this year, with the contractual right to at least 180 minutes of prep time every two…