The SDEA Political Action Committee (PAC) has been busy preparing for the political season. We recently interviewed candidates for the San Diego City Council and recommended endorsing Coleen Cusack for District 3, Marni Von-Wilpert for District 5, and Sean Elo-Rivera for District 9. All endorsement recommendations were approved by the democratically elected SDEA Board and the Representative Council.

SDEA-endorsed SDUSD School Board Members Sabrina Bazzo, Richard Barrera, and Dr. Sharon Whitehurst-Payne are all up for reelection in 2024. SDEA leaders were instrumental in helping gather member signatures in order for our endorsed candidates to qualify for the ballot. Sabrina Bazzo is the only trustee to face a challenger in the March 5 primary election for the District A school board seat. This year, the general election for this seat will be by sub-district only for the first time, versus an election by voters throughout the entire school district.
To help ensure we maintain a pro-educator and pro-public education majority on the school board, SDEA is launching a PAC Drive to help fund electoral campaigns for our endorsed candidates. All members are highly encouraged to donate to the SDEA PAC to prevent the rise of fringe groups from taking hold in our school district. Last election cycle, we saw anti-union forces spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to try and establish a political presence in SDUSD. Due to the hard work of the SDEA PAC, your union was able to push back and secure victory at the ballot boxes. Victories like these are only possible through contributions from members like you! To be successful in this crucial political work of our union, we need you to help provide the necessary funding. Please give now using this PAC Drive link. We thank you in advance for your support!

March 21, 2025
Mar 18 Press Conference: Safe Parking Site
This past Tuesday, SDEA members joined the Education Justice Coalition at a press conference at the old Central Elementary site—offered to…
March 20, 2025
SDEA endorsement: Paloma Aguirre for County Supervisor
At the March Rep Council, SDEA representatives voted unanimously to endorse Paloma Aguirre for County Supervisor. Paloma is a supporter of…
March 13, 2025
Update: Ed Specialist caseload grievance
Still waiting for a fair settlement: An update to the Ed Specialist caseload grievance SDEA members who were over caseload during the…
March 13, 2025
Last Call for Elective Session Presenters – CTA Summer Institute, IPD Strand
The CTA Instruction and Professional Development (IPD) department is looking for presenters for our IPD Strand at the 2025 CTA Summer…