An overview of Pregnancy Leave
The California Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL) Law requires employers to provide up to 4 months of
leave for employees who are disabled by pregnancy, with or without pay. However, certificated
employees are eligible under the union contract to receive paid leave before and after their delivery,
through use of their accumulated sick leave, and up to an additional 100 work days of half-pay sick leave
once they exhaust their full-pay sick leave.



Mar 18 Press Conference: Safe Parking Site

This past Tuesday, SDEA members joined the Education Justice Coalition at a press conference at the old Central Elementary site—offered to…

SDEA endorsement: Paloma Aguirre for County Supervisor

At the March Rep Council, SDEA representatives voted unanimously to endorse Paloma Aguirre for County Supervisor. Paloma is a supporter of…

Update: Ed Specialist caseload grievance

Still waiting for a fair settlement: An update to the Ed Specialist caseload grievance SDEA members who were over caseload during the…

Last Call for Elective Session Presenters – CTA Summer Institute, IPD Strand

The CTA Instruction and Professional Development (IPD) department is looking for presenters for our IPD Strand at the 2025 CTA Summer…