This year SDEA members are fighting for a new union contract to Recover, Rebuild, and Rise Together!

The SDEA Bargaining Team has proposed a lot of big changes, which are based on direct feedback at bargaining input sessions last year, in contract bargaining, including:

  • A significant pay raise
  • Summer healthcare coverage for temporary contract members
  • Double paid maternity leave from 3 to 6 weeks
  • Double elementary prep time from <1 hour/week to 2 hours/week
  • Protect secondary prep time by prohibiting meetings

Thousands of SDEA members have taken action in support during September’s Solidarity Sticker Week, October’s Family Flyer Week, and wearing red on a bargaining day.

But what have we heard from the District on our bargaining proposals? Crickets! The District hasn’t responded to any of these really important proposals from SDEA members.

That’s why SDEA members are going to flood the school board meeting on Dec. 13! We’re rallying at the school board meeting at the Education Center. If each school sends 3-6 members (depending on size), we will have a huge showing!


Tentative Agreements Reached on All Contract Reopener Items! Ratification Vote Begins Next Week

On Wednesday, we reached tentative agreements with the District on the remaining contract reopener items regarding evaluations and…