There’s much to be thankful for in our recent election wins! Both of the SDEA member-endorsed candidates running for the SDUSD School Board have handily won their races. 

Shana Hazan has won her District B school board seat with an overwhelming 60% of the vote. 

The other SDEA member-endorsed candidate, Dr. Cody Petterson in school board District C,  notched a solid win as well. Cody is currently commanding 56% of the vote share in his race.

Lastly, San Diego’s voters have voted to further invest in our schools with passage of Measure U. Measure U will fund site modernization, security upgrades, and in a first for our county–SDUSD workforce housing development on surplus district properties. 



SPED caseload grievances: Counter proposal

SDEA has countered SDUSD’s lowball offer on Special Education caseload grievances. After over a year of delay, SDUSD responded to…

January 28: Show Up in Support of Special Education Staffing!

Educators see the daily student impact of a lack of Special Education staffing, but it is clear that the District does not feel the same…