There’s much to be thankful for in our recent election wins! Both of the SDEA member-endorsed candidates running for the SDUSD School Board have handily won their races. 

Shana Hazan has won her District B school board seat with an overwhelming 60% of the vote. 

The other SDEA member-endorsed candidate, Dr. Cody Petterson in school board District C,  notched a solid win as well. Cody is currently commanding 56% of the vote share in his race.

Lastly, San Diego’s voters have voted to further invest in our schools with passage of Measure U. Measure U will fund site modernization, security upgrades, and in a first for our county–SDUSD workforce housing development on surplus district properties. 


Tentative Agreements Reached on All Contract Reopener Items! Ratification Vote Begins Next Week

On Wednesday, we reached tentative agreements with the District on the remaining contract reopener items regarding evaluations and…