In order to improve Visiting Teacher staffing, we have just won the highest pay for substitute teachers in the whole county! These new rates are effective retroactive to January 3, 2022 and will be in place for the remainder of this school year.

Read the new substitute teacher pay agreement here.

Also, if you know someone wanting to work as a substitute teacher, send them this link so they can apply.

Together We are Stronger!

We are able to win the highest paid substitute rates, and other protections because we are a strong union! Are you a member? If not, here is a membership form link you can use to join.



January 28: Rally in Support of Special Education Staffing!

Educators see the daily student impact of a lack of Special Education staffing, but it is clear that the District does not feel the same…

NEA Representative Assembly: Declarations of Candidacy

The 2025 NEA Representative Assembly will be held in Portland, OR, from July 2-5, 2025. Declaration of Candidacy Forms are available online…